KAGAWA Unique Venues & Excursions Guide

No.3 | MAP① 3 | 高松中央商店街 北部三町ドーム広場 Takamatsu Central Shopping Street: Sancho Dome 高さ32mのドームが、商店街の構造物としては日本一の高さを誇るドーム広場 At 32meters tall, the Sancho Dome is the highest domed plaza of any shopping arcade in Japan パーティ、イベント、コンサート Parties, events, concerts 総延長2.7㎞の日本一長いアーケードがある高松中央商店街。その中心部にあるイタリア・ミラノのガレリアを模したドームを持つ広場。公道と民有地をミックスした広場では、道路上でありながら多種多彩なイベントができます。音響、アナウンス等イベント運営のできる職員が常勤。上層階には100人収容のホールや30名収容の貸室、楽屋等を備えた「丸亀町レッツ」を備え、連携利用ができます。 イベントの様子 Event conditions 高松丸亀町壱番街街路 Takamatsu Marugamemachi 1st Avenue 住所 香川県高松市丸亀町1-1 電話番号 087-821-1651(高松丸亀町商店街振興組合) 交通手段 高松空港から車で30分。 JR高松駅から徒歩15分。 【最寄駅】ことでん片原町駅から徒歩5分。 利用時間 要相談 使用条件 公道上であることから入場料を得るものや事前申し込み制での使用は不可。 周囲に配慮した音量で行うこと。周辺テナントの営業を妨げないこと。 夜間含め設置物があるときは常時有人であること(終夜警備必要)。その他道路交通法に定められた要件。 酒類販売には国税局許可を得ること。発電機使用不可。電源供給可(使用量を事前確認)。 飲食の条件 大量の煙や臭いを発するものでないこと。法令や保健所規定を厳守すること。 広さ 約51㎡ ※半径23mのうち17mの円内(外周部は緊急車両通行帯として確保すること) 利用人数 150名程度 (利用方法による) ※観覧スペース含め所定の円内に収めること 料金 使用料金は、高松丸亀町商店街振興組合に要確認。 Address 1-1 Marugamemachi, Takamatsu Telephone +81 (0) 87-821-1651 (Takamatsu Marugamemachi Shopping Street Association) Access From Takamatsu Airport: 30 min by car/taxi From JR Takamatsu Station: 15 min walk From Kotoden Kataharamachi Station (closest): 5 min walk Hours Requires consultation Special Notes Because the domed plaza also functions as a pedestrian route, events cannot be held which require admission fees or advance reservations. In consideration of surrounding businesses and residents, all events must maintain appropriate volume levels. Activities must not impede on the business operations of nearby tenants. If there are any installations or equipment left on site, they must be supervised at all times, including at night (overnight security is required). Activities must also abide by all other requirements as set forth by the Road Traffic Act. Tax administration bureau authorization must be obtained for the sale of any alcoholic products. Generators are not allowed. Power supply can be provided (with advance verification of the amount of power to be used). Food and Drink Any food preparation must not generate large amounts of smoke or odors. Activities must abide by all other legal and health department regulations. Area (in ㎡) Total area: approx. 51 ㎡ *17 m of the 23 m radius can be used for events. (The exterior section must be reserved for the passage of emergency vehicles). Capacity approx. 150 persons (depending on type of usage) *Events, including viewing space, must be restricted to within the designated area. Usage Fee Please consult with the Takamatsu Marugamemachi Shopping Street Association for usage fees. Unique Venues 商店街 Shopping Street オーケストラ演奏、ウクレレや第九のコンサート、 60人によるフラメンコ舞踊、飲食イベント等 Orchestra performances, ukulele performances, performance of Beethoven’s 9th, a flamenco dance performed by 60 dancers, food and drink events, etc. Past events ドーム広場 Domed plaza 12 The Takamatsu Central Shopping Street is Japan's longest shopping arcade with a total length of 2.7 km. The center of the shopping arcade features a domed plaza modeled after the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan, Italy. The plaza is a mix of public and private spaces, functioning both as a pedestrian walkway and as a venue for a wide variety of events. There are always staff on hand to help manage events, such as announcers and sound engineers. Marugamemachi Let's, located on the upper level, features a hall with the capacity for 100 people, rental rooms with the capacity for 30 people and dressing rooms, all of which can be rented separately or collectively.

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