Privacy Policy
1 Compliance with laws and regulations
2 Acquisition of personal information
3 Purpose of use of personal information
(2) When sharing personal information with a specific person or entrusting the handling of personal information to an outside party, Kagawa Prefecture shall ensure that the other party to whom personal information is used and the subcontractor is properly using the personal information. We will provide necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure safe use.
4 Notification/publication of purpose of use
5 Provision of personal information to third parties
6 Personal information management
(2) Kagawa Prefecture will assume responsibility for personal information management.
7 Disclosure/correction/suspension/deletion of personal information
8 Contact information
(2)Counter location: 1-10-XNUMX Bancho, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture
(3)Telephone 087-832-3380
(4) Reception hours 9:00-17:00 (weekdays)
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